Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Many Worlds of Jonas Moore

The British Empire Still Rules In Cyberspace
America is just a virtual world — at least that's what British citizens have been told to believe. The Matrix-esque online graphic novel The Many Worlds of Jonas Moore has been optioned by MGM for a TV series. The British empire hasn't fallen, and it still controls the world via an "all-pervasive and addictive virtual game network." Only one man awakens from the fake world and resists: the motorcycle-riding, virtual-world-hopping Jonas Moore. Click through to view Jonas in action in some pages from the motion-comic.
In the comic, Moore awakens from this fake world and the authorities immediately consider him a threat. Soon, he's under constant attack, and has to zoom into various virtual worlds to stay ahead of the government. He rides around on his motorcycle, blowing things up, getting in fights with the government and spreading his forbidden knowledge of actual reality.
I hope that online star Colin Salmon stays on as the Jonas for the TV series. You may remember him as the bad ass from Resident Evil who was chopped into itty bitty pieces via lasers. [Jonas Moore]

Yay! Another virtual reality show to look forward to! So is our world really as real as we think it is? Since there are so many complex conspiracy theories out there that seem to support a contrary notion...

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|7:56 AM|

Thursday, November 10, 2005


oh man...this is so totally cool!What say you when you hear this:
anyway it was a contest running in the TODAY newspaper.My mum asked me to include my email and she sent the SMS.didnt really expect myself to win, becos i had intended to watch on 18th Nov with my cousin Samantha. yeahhs! but I am watching this one with my Mum.shall watch with my cousin again on 18th Nov...
then the results were emailed to me on 8th Nov.I saw it in my inbox and it started with:"Congratulations you have won...".I assumed that it is spam and ignored it.then on 10th Nov my Mum pestered me to open my email and read thru everything,and so I did!
When I saw the email, I was like:"Huh?ARRRGGGHHH!MUMMY!!!HAVE WIN LEH!" typical Singlishly of me. :P But update about my life...I went to Sentosa today with the OM Sec 1 & 2 teams...and of cos Ms Ng & Ms Cheng.Yepp.kinda fun when we were building the sandcastle.the wet sand was kinda lumpy and mushy(thanks Michelle!).then it rained and we were kinda DRENCHED. haha. but it is super weird without Karen & Chee Shan & Wan Yun this year.hmm...
~HIT ME>SMACK ME>SPANK ME.I am not dreaming.I am getting FREE tickets + EARLIER watching experience.Thanks for reading.(:

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:53 AM|

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

A post right before the exams

oh, cool! I have finally changed my blogskin!!! I really liked this blogskin! Loved it in the beginning because of the cute picture of that fairy-like creature, then as I listened to the background music, I realised it was HARRY POTTER'S Theme song!!! Ahhhhhhh! I totally love it! It's so engaging, that piece of music. I am sure some of the HP fans in class will have countless praise for it! And it's very user-friendly too, this layout. So easy to understand. It just feels so magical! Enchanting! I have fallen for it! Thanks for finding it, Sam. ! I am so bewildered... O.O

Yay yay! The final year exams are here! So interesting, yet challenging! But, just be sure that you're prepared for the exams! Then, you have no worries! :)
All the best for the examinations! Do extremely well!
-From Fiona to herself...& of course all my buddies out there!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|6:21 PM|

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

i stared at you in fear...and smiled.
yeah.that's how i feel now.fearful yet
what do i fear?
that i dont get your love
what happiness compels me to smile?
that i saw
fancy lurking
in your eyes

your windows locked me
into a swirling pool of
joy and love
i stand there,
smiling at you
you gaze at me
oh so lovingly

i am engaged in a
tussle with your beautiful
trying to
fight my way
into that little velvet room
i am holding
a key to end all my worries

the text above is copyrighted to fiona. 16 August 2005. all rights reserved

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|8:15 AM|

Sunday, August 07, 2005

new layout

oooh!!!i have finally changed my skin!i am so sick of the previous one after seeing it for more than 1 month...and this is the 1st one which is anime!!!such a big change in my blog, eh?it doesnt look so dead now,with all that black colour gone.but i have to admit it does give one a sleepy feeling.hope it isn't contagious!(**yawn**)today is sunday, and i think that spent 1/2 of it smsing people and asking them about what i should wear for tomorrow.the apparel i had in mind was a totally red t-shirt and a white 3/4 pants.i am fretting over whether i would resemble a national day flag.please dun laugh if i really do tomorrow, cuz that's what i settled on eventually.i knew long ago that i have truly horrible dress sense that will leave you dumbfolded.anyway, i feel proud looking like a singapore flag, cos i'm singaporean and that's what a patriotic citizen would do-look like the national flag.i have decided,i shall ignore whatever views people have about my clothing tomorrow(unless they are good comments) and carry on with what i m supposed to do. so, samantha, no thanks for that ndp flag remark.and xiwen, thanks so much for supporting my ideA.But...WHY ARE THE BOTH OF YOU WEARING SCHOOL UNIFORM TOMORROW?i feel so least liwen just confirmed that she'll be wearing sth else other than sch uniform.not like her guai kia look the other time.whoots...i m gonna celebrate!!!

Haiz...after lunch at home today, i left my cup on the dining table and went to gargle.then...*PIANG!!!* mum was dragging out 2 huge beanbags from the front room out to the living room when she jolted the dining table.and my unfortunate chicky cup smashed to the floor.what a mess it created!i was so sad. the cup had been with me since Pri. 2.**boohoo** it was a chicken pointing feverishly at a watch on its hand(wing).below it were the words,"Everyone on time,Everyone saves time." I guess i didnt really heed the advice in the past,and so do my parents(esp my mum, who's forever late for family gatherings). I regret it much time have i wasted?How much MORE time am i going to waste in the future?i cant change the past,but i must not waste anymore time of my future!!!I M SURE!!!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|7:42 AM|

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The Reason - Hoobastank
I'm not a perfect personAs many things I wish I didn't doBut I continue learningI never meant to do those things to youAnd so I have to say before I goThat I just want you to know
I've found a reason for meTo change who I used to beA reason to start over newand the reason is you
I'm sorry that I hurt youIt's something I must live with everydayAnd all the pain I put you throughI wish that I could take it all awayAnd be the one who catches all your tearsThats why i need you to hear
I've found a reason for meTo change who I used to beA reason to start over newand the reason is You [x4]
I'm not a perfect personI never meant to do those things to youAnd so I have to say before I goThat I just want you to know
I've found a reason for meTo change who I used to beA reason to start over newand the reason is you
I've found a reason to showA side of me you didn't knowA reason for all that I doAnd the reason is you

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|8:48 PM|

Friday, July 08, 2005

moo...haha.juz felt lyk mooing
i m a nonseniscal idiot.spent lyk 3 hours todayy downloading songs for my lil cuzin Brendan.oh.i should not saY that...not "little cousin".he's quite big alrd.primary 4.that's 10 yrs old.hmm.i put so many songs in for him into my tablet.hohhos.thankme! but...i shall recount another story of mine which talks abt my blurness.on tuesday[5 july], my aunt brought brendan and me to sim lim sq to help me exchange my mp3 player...that's the 2nd time we're doing it already.but i shall not digress over the issue in order to continue wif my recount.!:) yeahh.since bren had no pocket...he put his wallet with me temporarily for safekeeping.ahaha.that's where the trouble all starts.when we returned to my AUNT's place...i m s'posed to return him his wallet,right???THATZ WHAT I DIDNT DO!i took the wallet home wif me.Bren apparently forgot to get it from me.and i obviously forgot to give it back to him!hmph!i soooo hate myself that i shant blog anymorre.byeeeeeeeee

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:09 PM|

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